Our membership year runs from 1 April to 31 March.
To join WWLA as a member, simply fill out the membership form below and pay the membership fee
To renew a membership, all you need to do is pay the membership fee.
Paying the membership fee - individual
If you can pay by credit card, click on the relevant box below for payment. If you can't pay by credit card you can transfer payment to our bank account and send us an email confirming you have paid (wwlaconvenor@gmail.com). Our bank account is Wellington Women Lawyers' Association 12-3141-0167932-00. Invoices or receipts are available on request.
Paying the membership fee - firm or agency
If you are part of a firm or agency that pays multiple memberships with an invoice, please have one person email the list of members to wwlaconvenor@gmail.com and we will provide an invoice.
Membership Types/Fees
$50.00 Regular membership
$20.00 Concession or discounted membership
Free Special membership (parental leave, student)
Membership form